Focuses will include, though are not limited to, economic development (jobs and business) and the creation of transit-oriented market-rate and affordable housing growth while preserving the neighborhood’s character and unique attributes. PLAN: Mattapan has worked, and will continue to work closely with the community to review past planning efforts, and identify needs and opportunities for improvements which will support the long-term equitable growth and sustainability of the neighborhood. Through these three principles of “preserve, enhance, and grow,” the City’s planning team will work with the community to create a comprehensive vision for the Mattapan planning area and guide future growth and investment. Guided by Imagine Boston 2030, PLAN: Mattapan is a City planning initiative that seeks to ensure that we preserve wisely, enhance equitably, and grow inclusively. PLAN: Mattapan Adopted Plan & Executive Summary Internship and Contractor Opportunities.Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Requirements for Public Land Dispositions.BPDA Real Estate Decarbonization Strategy.Inclusionary Development Policy: Annual Reports.Office to Residential Conversion Program.Improving Our Development Review Process.Resilience, Affordability, and Equity Challenge.Life Science Building Design Guidelines.

Article 80 Design Review Broadband Ready Buildings Questionnaire.Article 37 Green Building and Climate Resiliency Guidelines.Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Article 80.